“Police seize painting of Vladimir Putin in a negligee.”

I got nothing, sorry.

Police seized a painting of Russia’s president and prime minister in women’s underwear from a gallery in St Petersburg, saying the satirical display had broken unspecified laws.

The painting showed President Vladimir Putin wearing a tight-fitting slip and brushing the hair of Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev, who is wearing knickers and a bra.

…Wait, that’s a lie: I figure that if we do end up blowing things up in Syria we’re going to first do a few things to kiss up to the regime that’s can’t bear to see their proto-Little Father be shown as a sweet transvestite*. We wouldn’t actually have to kiss up – the Cold War ended twenty years ago, and well, we won – but we’d still be going to. I’d respect the President’s decision to be so unilateral in his foreign policy decisions, except that I’m pretty much convinced that it’s due to fundamental incompetence on Barack Obama’s part.


I’m going to have to show the painting, aren’t I?

I apologize in advance.

Moe Lane

*Mind you, it would be no contest.

Not on Vladimir Putin’s best day, and Tim Curry’s worst.

5 thoughts on ““Police seize painting of Vladimir Putin in a negligee.””

    1. Yes — isn’t it interesting that an act we recognize as tyrannical in Russia was so calmly accepted in Chicago.

  1. Have you seen Tim Curry lately….? Lets just say the fish net stocking would be the size of real fishing nets

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