No, @GovMikeHuckabee: do not run for President.

Since he is asking. He will have been out of office for a decade by the time 2016 rolls around; we will have a good number of Republican governors who are, frankly, fresher than Mike Huckabee would be at that point.

I normally would suggest that Huckabee run for governor again; but Arkansas has term limits with a vengeance. I don’t have any advice for him, sorry.

9 thoughts on “No, @GovMikeHuckabee: do not run for President.”

  1. I mainly remember him running on positions that were to the LEFT of Obama and Hillary. And they were jockeying for control of the Democratic base at the time.
    Screw him.
    All he would manage to do is make Christie look moderate.

  2. I’m an avid SoCon and I don’t want the man running for office. Especially not now. He is and always has been a big-government “compassionate Conservative”.

    We really can’t afford another big-government President right now.

    1. In one (and only one) way I’m glad to see Huck making noises ..
      See, Christie and Jeb and Santorum are also making noises and .. while I doubt all the interested RINOs will jump in .. if they can distract the media and dilute the establishment for a little while .. we could finally get a conservative candidate.
      Of course, we (the conservatives) have to do our part and coalesce behind *one* candidate *soon* instead of waiting for {raggle fraggle} Iowa to get involved, eh?
      Do you see any signs that one conservative candidate is clearly in the lead?

      1. Scott Walker?
        Either way if Santorum or Huckabee run, we ( evangelicals) will likely be blamed
        I don’t want him.

        1. Oh, I’d put money on at least one evangelical “jesus statist” candidate entering… Huck and Santorum fit the bill.
          If one does not enter, look for the media to hang the label on the most blatantly religious of the bunch .. Perry, if he jumps in, is a lock for their bile.
          From the other side, I’m watching what Van Der Pantaloons over in Iowa does more closely this year. So far, he seems happy his ring is getting kissed. So long as he either grew a brain or at least the wit to bite his tongue in front of reporters, that’s fine. His bloviations last time were not helpful.
          It’s ironic, by the way, Santorum’s blamed on evangelicals since he’s a catholic, but .. media. What can you do?
          I would like to see Walker or Jindal, I think. Both are very *very* sharp, both have taken on liberal fever swamps, and both have emerged – thus far – bloodier but wiser. Bobby J may not have a throne of skulls, but he’s a very sharp cookie.

          1. Hi, kitty…good to see we’re still on the same wave length, politically speaking, that is. Which is quite interesting since I’m a non-Catholic social conservative and you are an atheist who leans libertarian but isn’t constantly incensed at socons. :))

            Nevertheless, I nearly always see eye to eye with you and would hate to see Santorum or Huckabee muddy the waters again. I’m also very impressed with Walker and Jindal and still pine for a Perry run. It would be too awesome to see what he could do in the White House for four or more years.

          2. If Perry doesn’t run, look for either Brownback ( Catholic) or Pence ( evangelical) to get labeled the “Krazy Kristian” of the year. If not them, even Walker might get that label. Or Jindal. Or Rubio.
            As far as I understand it, Vander Plaats is all in for Cruz. so at least he’s improved.

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