When asked about being President, Senator Mike Lee of Utah was refreshingly forthright:
“The Senate has enough people running for president, and I’m not,” he said. Asked why he would not run, Lee rejected the premise of the question. “The question of running for president isn’t really a ‘why not?’ thing; it’s more of a ‘why?’ thing.”
Why, indeed. To quote one of Harry Turtledove’s characters (a Byzantine-analogue Emperor in full exasperation mode towards a Gallic Wars-era actual Roman tribune*): “I begin to see why your people have no kings. Who would WANT the job?” Inexplicably and unfortunately, we have a lot of people who do seem to want the job, these days – but they’re still kind of crazy, them.
Moe Lane
*It’s complicated.
And this should be the kickstart to Mike Lee for Majority Leader ( or at least Whip)
Oh, yeah.
“(a Byzantine-analogue Emperor in full exasperation mode towards a Gallic Wars-era actual Roman tribune*): ”
Fun books, but I preferred his “Agent of Byzantium” series of short stories.