Tweet of the Day, This Is Not Good Media For Hillary Clinton edition.

Here’s a funny thing about front-runners: they don’t always pan out.

Especially on the Democratic side.  As Hillary Clinton probably noticed in 2008.

11 thoughts on “Tweet of the Day, This Is Not Good Media For Hillary Clinton edition.”

  1. P.U.M.A. girls reunion tour?
    On a more serious note, I keep hearing – in another forum – that Hillary isn’t actually going to run due to medical issues, but is acting like she is to “steer” the GOP into picking an anti-Hillary candidate that the Dem can easily defeat. Team Clinton will then pick up favors, like Chelsea getting a plum executive post.
    This seems … incredibly silly .. but then, much around the Cult of Bubba is silly.

    1. I don’t know how that would work. On paper Hillary is invincible. But she is a paper tiger. There is no candidate out there who is her kryptonite ( unless maybe Paul, who’d appeal to young people better and get the anti-war vote) but for ever Obama voter Paul would gain from Hillary he’d lose McCain, and Romney voters to her, so it’d even out. Certainly not Christie or Bush. So who’s the anti-hillary candidate?

      I don’t think there is one. If any of those three can beat her ( and I think they can) then any Republican off the street can beat her ( and judging from 08, that isn’t to hyperbolic)
      Though I suppose the GOPe thinks anti-Hillary means “squish” and panicking and fighting a bloody battle to ensure a squish wins over someone like: Walker, Perry, Pence, Cruz, Haley, Jindal, etc. Might turn out them picking the worse candidate we’d have and thus lose to a slightly more formidable Democrat ( then what Hillary is)

      1. The idea is that Hillary fakes like she’s running long enough to let a “shadow campaign” form around a candidate who would *normally* not be able to withstand the early purple-state contests.
        Hillary drops out after Iowa but before the convention, and throws support to the shadow-candidate, ensuring a place at the table and no particular responsibility, cementing Team Clinton’s roles as “party elders” and “kingmakers”.

    2. “like Chelsea getting a plum executive post”
      Something commensurate with her accomplishments and credentials? Like running the White House intern program?

  2. Though, there isn’t a single Democrat who stands a chance of winning the nomination e.g. not Bredesen, Beshear, Bayh, or Warner.

    Who’d be more formidable then Hillary. Maybe Cuomo, but I doubt it.

    The best D candidates won’t be able to win the nomination, the rest are all electoral duds, courtesy of 2010 wiping out those who weren’t.

    1. Depending on whether 2014 does turn into a wave year at the statehouse level, 2016 may have several Dem former governors with time on their hands…
      p.s. I’d like to think Cuomo’s anti-2A foolishness disqualifies him to keep his current office, but .. New York. Idiots.

    2. Though, there isn’t a single Democrat who stands a chance of winning the nomination …
      Who? Elizabeth Warren. The Mushroom Media are already preparing Fauxcahontas as the substitute for Hillary Clinton. If you oppose her, you side with the One Percenters, the immoral banksters and billionaires and plutocrats … AND you’re a sexist tool of the Patriarchy in the War on Women … AND you’re a racist who oppresses Native Americans.

    3. Formidable is an awfully funny word.
      Obama was a brand new backbencher whose notable accomplishments were voting “present” a record number of times, and reading a teleprompter well.
      Yet he was an electoral juggernaut.
      Despite having enough baggage to sink just about anyone else.
      While running on a platform composed of nothing but empty hype. (OK, also “free college for everyone!” which I notice resulted in nothing but a token gesture or two.)
      In 2007 there were a number of potential Democratic candidates who I thought could beat us.
      Obama wasn’t one of them.
      Yet he beat them, and beat us. It wasn’t even close.

      1. He was black. There isn’t another Black Democrat in the same position Obama was in 06.

        Without massive black turnout like we saw in 2012 ( or a very unpopular GOP President like in 08) a Leftist of Obama’s ilk can’t win a general.

        And a candidate like Obama would have a tougher time winning the nom. against an establishment D because of certain rules Obama’s team put into the DNC after he had secured the nomination in 08.

  3. Yesterday around Dallas I saw a “Coexist” pumper sticker on the back of car. As I got closer I saw on the back window they also had a crisp clean brand new looking “I’m ready for HILLARY!” sticker. The ground is being prepped already.

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