Let me explain to BGE how this entire ‘power company’ thing works.

It goes like this: BGE creates an electricity grid, open to subscribers.  BGE sells me access to that electricity grid; and I give BGE money for that.  BGE has a right to demand that I pay them for all the power that I use.  They also get to have a legitimate expectation that I will pay them, on time, and in full.  And, sure, I guess that they can also legitimately expect me not to use the power in a fashion that puts all their other power customers at risk to life, limb, and/or property.

…But that’s it.


When it comes to my ‘suggested’ power use, yeah, thanks – but also ‘screw off.’  We pay for what we use, we’re adults over here, end of story.  Stop sticking other people’s religious noses into my business and keep the power grid up.  We’re all going to be happier that way, thanks.

Moe Lane

PS: I didn’t do a dang thing for Earth Day, actually.  I didn’t feel like giving that incredibly stupid holiday any intellectual credibility this year: even mockery would have been too much credit.

9 thoughts on “Let me explain to BGE how this entire ‘power company’ thing works.”

  1. “Hey power company, I noticed that you sent the same letter to my neighbor telling him that I use less power than he does. Any chance you can tell us what the correct-hello? Hello?”

  2. Burned a large pile of wood left over from last year for Earth Day. Ah, the joys of living in what is effectively a forest, you never run out of wood to burn.

  3. We get those all the time from Duke but we have 6 people in our house. Which is more efficient: a car that gets 40 mph with only the driver in it or an SUV that gets 20 mph but usually carries 4 to 6 people? And how much energy did YOU waste printing and mailing that friggin’ notice?

  4. BGE makes money off of people like you, so I think that chart is inverted. It should read:

    Moe Lane: 2217 kWh (atta boy!)
    Neighbors: 1965 (go encourage them, please)
    Wussies: 1165 (just egg their house)

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