I’m pretty deep into The Secret World at this point; the designers know what I like, and they ladle out with a heavy hand. They’re also utter and complete bastards when it comes to investigation missions, which is fun even when it’s frustrating.
It’s also the occasional time sink, like, say, tonight. Sorry…
Like, say, an investigation mission step that requires you to puzzle out a message in Morse Code from a sound/video file? That one slowed my friend and I down for a good chunk of time…
It sounded really interesting until you said that.
Morse code + dyslexia = Insanity
They have an app for translating Morse code, though.
And the Morse code was one of the easy ones. I just did a Ten Plagues of Egypt-themed mission where you had to be able to translate Arabic into Hebrew on the fly, and no, neither was in a Western alphabet. At one point they just turn off the sun and wait for you to realize that it wasn’t a bug.
These people are mad. MAD!
Oh, this MMO is still going? I though it had closed shop a while ago. Glad it found some fans. MMOs are a tough racket.
At the time we did that quest, our method was to go find a morse code key, listen and manually write it down…hope you heard it right and try to puzzle it out.
I don’t remember getting to the Ten Plagues thing, honestly – but I stopped playing some time ago – at that point it was still pay to play.
It’s still alive, Aruges, but it’s now free to play.