Hillary Clinton and the Mandatory Spontaneous Magical Personal Connection Orderly Queue.

If you have a reputation for being aloof and inaccessible, this is probably not the best way to counter that:

Continue reading Hillary Clinton and the Mandatory Spontaneous Magical Personal Connection Orderly Queue.

Barack Obama: historically ignorant AND astoundingly hypocritical!

Take a look at this picture, in all of its alleged ‘glory.’



Two things that jump out about this.

  1. If Barack Obama wants to do something about wage inequality, he should start with… the White House itself.  Or does it not count when it’s his own staff? – That’s a rhetorical question, of course: Barack Obama clearly thinks that it doesn’t count when it’s him doing it.
  2. As my teachers (but apparently, not Barack Obama’s) carefully taught me, we didn’t have anybody on the Moon in 1963.  We went there in 1969.  Here, let me show the President how to check things like this.

…Truly, this man is a veritable and literal icon of the Democratic party.

Moe Lane (crosspost)

Primary Day Today! – and besides SC/VA.

There are primaries in Maine, North Dakota, Nevada, South Carolina, Virginia, and a runoff primary election for the Republican nominee for Arkansas Attorney General (all of this via The Green Papers).  It appears that that last one in Arkansas has gotten kind of heated; I have absolutely no idea who the better nominee is, except of course to note that any Republican beats any Democrat.  PARTICULARLY when it comes to Attorney General spots; we have been seeing a bad habit among Democratic AGs lately to refuse to defend laws that the populace likes, but Democrats do not.

OK, soapbox rant over.  Make sure you vote today, if you’re in one of those states.

Moe Lane

As we say over at @redstate: embrace the healing power of ‘And,’ @julia_azari…

…there is nothing stopping Barack Obama from being both a would-be* tyrant AND a weakling.  Indeed, one can argue that the two states of mind are not even remotely incompatible.  One is based on one’s willingness to do certain things; the other measures one’s competency and ability to do those things. Put another way: just because Barack Obama allegedly wants to emulate the worst qualities of a spoiled brat all the time doesn’t mean that he’s actually any good at getting his way.

This is not hard to understand, honestly.

Via Hot Air Headlines.

Moe Lane

*’Would-be’ because there are sharp limits to how much foolishness we will tolerate from a President before the spanking commences.  Obama’s admittedly kissed that line a few times; then again, he got awesomely spanked in 2010 for it.

Permit me to make a public service announcement.

Contra David Plouffe, Barack Obama will not “go down to the fire fighting.”  That would imply that Barack Obama knew how to fight in the first place, instead of finding somebody who would do that for him.  Which is something that David Plouffe should know very well, given that he was there when Barack Obama used that strategy to get elected*.

Ah, David: the lies that they tell, in this business!  – Especially the lies that they tell themselves.

Moe Lane

*It’s going to be hysterical when somebody goes ahead and assumes that Plouffe and his fellow power-gamers can go back to that particular well any time that they like.

Colorado Democrats approve $13 million dollar rate hike to keep Obamacare exchange going.

Such an innocent-looking Tweet.

Reading it – or the Twitter feed in general, which is for Colorado’s state Obamacare exchange – you’d never know that it represents a $13 million rate (read: ‘tax’) hike on Colorado voters. But that is indeed what it is.  It’s also a budget that is more or less out of control, but more on that later.

Continue reading Colorado Democrats approve $13 million dollar rate hike to keep Obamacare exchange going.

New USA Today/Pew poll: Veterans hate the Bergdahl/terrorist swap.

Mind you, the country in general also dislikes the swap (43/34). But that’s nothing as compared to how veterans feel both about Bose Bergdahl, and the deal that Barack Obama made to bring him back: “Veterans are much more harsh in their assessment of the 28-year-old sergeant. Only 6% of veterans who responded say they sympathized with him, while 33% say they were angry. By 68%-16%, veterans say Obama made the wrong decision.” A couple of other things:

  • The Pew poll found a two-to-one ratio in favor of having the President inform Congress before he does this sort of thing.
  • The Pew poll also found that this story was tied with the ongoing Veterans Affairs meltdown – and the meltdown is only getting worse – as being the most important thing that Americans were paying attention to right now.  Third thing? The economy*.
  • This poll is of adults.  How all of this is playing out among likely voters… well.  Glad I’m not the one who has to worry about that!

Continue reading New USA Today/Pew poll: Veterans hate the Bergdahl/terrorist swap.

But… ‘Hard Choices’ is a political campaign book. They’re ALWAYS bad.

Why is it news that Hillary’s book is awful?

Democratic presidential front-runner Hillary Clinton’s new memoir “Hard Choices” officially launches Tuesday morning, but it’s already being savaged by critics for being overly cautious and, as a result, uninteresting.

Continue reading But… ‘Hard Choices’ is a political campaign book. They’re ALWAYS bad.