Add me to the list of people who think the Pill should be sold over the counter.

TO ADULTS, mind you. I don’t have an issue with contraception in and of itself, I think that we’ve had enough time to assess the potential risks involved, and God knows we already sell adults plenty of stuff that can mess them up if they’re not careful.  So sell the damn drug at the pharmacy and be done with it.

You’re going to see a bunch of people on the Right saying this in the next few days. Including a lot of people who previously went to the wall for Hobby Lobby and liberty of conscience, so there’s that. I think John Boehner should get a bill on the floor with all due speed: let the Democrats explain why they want to oppose such a reasonable measure…

(This one definitely H/T: Hot Air Headlines)

5 thoughts on “Add me to the list of people who think the Pill should be sold over the counter.”

  1. Since Plan B is already available over the counter, I can’t see a principled reason why not.
    But if you think we’ll get credit for it, you should move to Colorado.

    1. You’d be surprised how much you can get done if you’re willing to give up credit.

  2. If the Pill goes OTC, insurance companies will stop paying for it, like they usually do.

    How well do you think THAT will go over?

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