There will be no stopping Stan Lee now. He will do as he pleases, and Hollywood must bend to his whim, or be broken upon it. If Marvel can turn the original concept into a summer blockbuster mega-hit – and may I remind you that there is a goram talking raccoon in this picture – then they’ll be able to do anything.
Yes, even that. The bit in the final post-credits scene.
God bless Stan Lee.
Heh! I knew that you would love the post-credits scene. I look forward to THAT future movie.
Yes, I know the scene of which you speak…
And hey, George Lucas has nothing better to do now…
No, George Lucas, No!
(see the “No, John Ringo, No!” meme)
May I remind Mr. Lane that this has been a goram *dismal* summer for Hollywood?
It’s about time a storyteller who’s willing to take some risks won. No, seriously, it’s about time .. it happens every couple decades.
I’m not part of the target demographic for anything really, but the last movie I saw in a theater was The Avengers. I probably will see GotG at some point, but right now I don’t care if all of Hollywood falls into the sea.
Heh. I’m part of the “leave me the hell alone” / “filling your surveys with lies” demographic .. I don’t like being “marketed at”, and I have no use for the political opinions of Hollywood**.
That said, I like a good story, especially a good story well told, and .. this film delivered.
** p.s. why is it that the political opinions of the Hollywood narrowly-genetically-gifted are lauded, while we rarely hear the views of .. say .. pro-sports types, who are just as narrowly-genetically-gifted, eh?
Because the Hollywood figures are most often seen being glamorous, while pro-sports types are most often seen covered in sweat.
Have not seen it yet, but will they re-make Howard the Duck?
*imagines Gamora doing a River Song impression*
“Spoilers!” *stab*
I’m not sure if HtD is able to carry a movie by himself.
However… if we were to combine him with another Steve Gerber creation, the Defenders…
.. well, the result would probably look a lot like this.
Normally, I wouldn’t give that concept much chance of success. But given how well GotG is doing, this might just have a chance.
The concept isn’t the hard part .. the story, and the telling of the story, is the hard part.
If Stan Lee et al wish to tackle HtD, then I think they should .. it’s clear the initial telling had neither a particularly good story, nor a clear idea of how to tell it…
I still hold that Howard the Duck was the highpoint of the career of Tim Robbins.
I .. don’t know of anyone who has ever argued otherwise…
Of course, I also have no idea who Tim Robbins is, and what else he may or may not have been in ….
Maybe they’ll get it right this time.
It is not so much Stan Lee as it is Kevin Feige.
So … “Nerd’s Prayer” answered, then?
It Did Not Suck.