Sorry. PvP Death-matching.

Spawn camper – which is rare for the game, but they get newbies in every so often. Point of pride to go back, clear out the objectives, get an achievement, and level up my Battle Rank via getting XP from the camper in question.

Yes, the game sucks you in. But I really don’t get the attraction of spawn camping.  The furballs are hella more fun.

8 thoughts on “Sorry. PvP Death-matching.”

    1. Not when your own side yells at you for it, largely because PvP is the smallest part of the game and it’s in everybody’s best interest to bring in more players. 🙂

      Sorry. It was just drummed into me when I started playing that there were certain things that weren’t done, and that twerp went and did them the second he thought he could get away with them.

      1. You know there used to be some games where one had temporary boosted armor/health when they respawned which made camping a little harder.

        Plus there are plenty of games where you don’t all respawn in the same place, making it difficult for spawn camping.

    2. To Moe and Luke: My post was a reference. Red vs. Blue, Ep. 39. Granted, it wasn’t a spawn camper who said that, but still.
      And now that I’ve had to explain the reference, my fun is gone.

      1. No problem.
        I get irritated when people talk about their tactics as strategy, and vice-versa. It’s a personal hang-up.

  1. OK, I can certainly understand why people get pissed off about about spawn camping.
    But why are some people almost equally vehement that finding a defensible position and waiting patiently is somehow cheating?
    An aside for those of you who didn’t play the Destiny beta…
    During the Devil’s Lair strike, the first major stop you have is when your companion AI/floating box/ghost needs to unlock a laser grid. This will take a long time, and you’ll face waves of enemies while you wait. There are a number of defensible positions nearby, and you may think that since you’ve run into a bunch of the dead ghosts, protecting your ghost is your highest priority.
    This is schmuck bait.
    The enemies cannot directly harm your ghost.
    The enemies enter the area from different points, at different times, in small groups. They’re all heading for the same point, where your ghost is unlocking the grid. And they will all reach that point at the same time. Even with a coordinated defense (highly unlikely when playing with two complete strangers) you’ll almost certainly run out of bullets before you run out of bad guys.
    I died a lot before I figured it out. (And of course, I was playing the class most susceptible to getting mobbed.)

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