This is a very interesting campaign ad…
Wow, Jenny Sanford displaying a hell of a sense of humor in a video endorsement for SC Secretary of State —
— Reid Wilson (@PostReid) October 31, 2014
…given that it was cut for a Democratic candidate. That I am not immediately ranting and raving about this should in fact be taken as a sign that the situation is, ah, complicated. There are two factions in the South Carolina Republican party: there’s the reform side, and then there’s… the folks who are not for reform. The Democratic candidate in this race (South Carolina Secretary of State) is an interesting person, given that she is – among other things – campaigning on a platform to turn the SoS into an appointed position; a noticeable number of South Carolina Republicans have supported her candidacy – including, as seen above, Jenny Sanford.
I of course vote a strict party ticket. Mind you, I don’t live in South Carolina.
Moe Lane
No Democrat can ever be trusted with election integrity, which is the job of the SoS. Not only no, but hell no.