Multiverse: Exploring Poul Anderson’s Worlds is an anthology of stories set in Poul Anderson’s universe, written by a cross-section of the biggest names in science fiction (particularly alternate history). I’ve read a lot of books by Poul Anderson, and I’ll be damned if I can think of one that I didn’t like. He was just consistently that good. Anderson’s books were often a little sad – like H. Beam Piper, there was a melancholic streak in much of his works – but they were always worth the time to read. Seeing what a bunch of other crackerjack writers could and did do with his source material was fun.
Farewell, Ruled Britannia. Note that Harry Turtledove has a story in this anthology.
I loved Poul Anderson’s stories … but thirty bucks?! Ouch!
It was a wrench for me, too. In the end, original stories by Stirling, Niven, Silverberg, Turtledove, Flint, and more…