6 thoughts on “Oh, hey, almost forgot: we’re landing a spaceship on a comet.”
*sips coffee*
Ummm .. by “we”, I presume you mean “residents of this mudball”?
. http://www.reuters.com/article/2014/11/12/us-space-comet-idUSKCN0IW0S520141112
‘s a European probe. U.S. involvement appears to be .. low.
Not that it’s not *science*, (and not in an “I love science sexually but don’t understand it at all” lefty sort of way), it’s just .. I’d like to see more U.S. big science.
Yup, I meant humans. ESA did a hell of a job.
p.s. .. humans aren’t the only ones down this gravity well .. just sayin’
I’ve been following the event via xkcd. Because following historic events via a website featuring stick-figure comics is nothing special in the 21st century …
*sips coffee*
Ummm .. by “we”, I presume you mean “residents of this mudball”?
‘s a European probe. U.S. involvement appears to be .. low.
Not that it’s not *science*, (and not in an “I love science sexually but don’t understand it at all” lefty sort of way), it’s just .. I’d like to see more U.S. big science.
Yup, I meant humans. ESA did a hell of a job.
p.s. .. humans aren’t the only ones down this gravity well .. just sayin’
I’ve been following the event via xkcd. Because following historic events via a website featuring stick-figure comics is nothing special in the 21st century …
It *is* pretty fricking cool.