Obama administration waging tariff war over… solar panels?

Wait. What?

The Obama administration will set duties on solar products from China and Taiwan that combined could exceed more than 200 percent, adding fuel to a renewable-energy clash between the U.S. and China.

The Commerce Department also finalized today its plan to include in the tariffs any solar panels assembled in China, no matter the origin of the cells.

Protectionism, of course: there’s an Oregon plant that can’t compete with Chinese/Taiwanese solar cells, and Oregon is a reliably Democratic state, so here comes the tariff. Standard practice – never forget; ‘free trade’ is an increasingly dirty phrase to Democrats – but it is a little surprising that the administration isn’t taking into account the objections of the environmentalists. Then again, what are the environmentalists going to do?  Vote Republican?


Moe Lane

PS: This will happen every single time to the Greenies, and every single time I will point and laugh. I feel that this is a reasonable division of obligations.

3 thoughts on “Obama administration waging tariff war over… solar panels?”

  1. *buries his head in left hand in a vain attempt to suppress his laughter and waving his right hand with his palm facing front*
    Wait, just a minute! *snort* So they are making *giggle* CHEAP renewable energy more expensive *snort* in the name of protectionism?!
    *doubles over in laughter until the men in white comes and takes him away*

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