…Cannibals? Actual *cannibals* consumed the flesh of Michael Rockefeller?

I have never heard of this story before.

The public will finally get to see “The Search for Michael Rockefeller” Feb. 1 when Netflix releases the documentary on one of the most compelling unsolved mysteries of the 20th century.

The film confirms what The Post reported in 1968: Cannibals devoured the son of New York Gov. Nelson Rockefeller.

…Wait, what?  How the heck have I never heard this story before? There’s apparently forty year old documentary footage on this.  Why was it never finished? Why did we have to wait for Netflix? I am legitimately confused.


That is a highly ominous photograph, in context.

Via, and this is somewhat embarrassing to admit, @ALLCAPSBRO.

8 thoughts on “…Cannibals? Actual *cannibals* consumed the flesh of Michael Rockefeller?”

      1. Reading the article, the testimony of a missionary priest.
        He says that three of the men who did it confessed to him. He reported this at the time, and was the original source for the story. Neither the Dutch government nor his Bishop found this helpful.

        1. If I remember right the anthropologist on the “In Search of” team said the skull in question wasn’t caucasian. Also “they mistook him for a Crocodile”, really?, you aren’t dealing with a normal story here.

  1. … did he taste funny? Being from a family of clowns, I mean …
    (runs and hides behind the dryer)

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