Quiet day today.

Aside from Harry Reid being injured – which I decline to make fun of; some day soon I too will be old, and will have fragile bones – there doesn’t seem to be all that much going on right now.  Fine by me: next week should start up with all the excitement we can stand – and to spare. A little peace and quiet until then sounds about right.

4 thoughts on “Quiet day today.”

  1. Can’t say that I’m going to shed a tear over Harry Reid adding injury to insult (he stops being Majority Leader tomorrow), but I will also decline to take a shot at the man on his way down.

    1. Eh..you’re both better people than I am. I want to know if the taxpayer he met with came out better or worse.

  2. The article says he broke some bones in his face….. Maybe they’ll wire his jaws shut?

  3. … some day soon I too will be old, and will have fragile bones …
    Some day you too will be old, but I’ll wager that you won’t be an autocratic … um, jerk.

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