So local news went to go talk to the I-93 White People Protesters, usually through the door’s mail slot.

Man. White people.

…And no, I am never going to get tired of saying that. It’s liberating, somehow. I don’t have to pretend that I find these red diaper baby protesters to be anything except baffling, right down to the molecular level. All I have to do instead is just shake my head and say, not even antagonistically, Man. White people. You don’t get to take this from me! It helps keep me sane and amused.


4 thoughts on “So local news went to go talk to the I-93 White People Protesters, usually through the door’s mail slot.”

  1. Ugh, white guy with dreads? White people with dreads just look stupid to me….and isn’t that “cultural appropriation” or some such lefty nonsense?

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