Quote of the Day, TANSTAAFL (Education) edition.

Really. There Ain’t No Such Thing As A Free Lunch:

…paying for college out of tax dollars doesn’t make the cost go away; it just means you have to send a check to the IRS instead of the bursar’s office.

With the added caveat that the bursar’s office is probably going to be more efficient about processing the check. And can’t make your life a living hell if they lose said check. And the bursar can’t audit you within an inch of your life… I can go on, but you get the point.

Via Instapundit.

Moe Lane

PS: Yes, of course that means that ‘free’ community college is a middle-class tax hike. Why do you think that the GOP is being told to say ‘no?’

6 thoughts on “Quote of the Day, TANSTAAFL (Education) edition.”

  1. Eh, as long as the free college is used to destroy the tenure system, I could kind of live with it.
    Without tenure, several generations of liberal idiots would be unemployed…

    1. Unfortunately, I believe that the administration is, if anything, even more left than the faculty (who at least have the occasional STEM professor who knows that reality is not a social construct). (See, frex, Lee Bollinger of UMich and Columbia or Teresa Sullivan of Virginia). In the short term, getting rid of tenure would simply push the faculty left. (This may result in hastening the collapse of the university system altogether.)

  2. PS: Yes, of course that means that ‘free’ community college is a middle-class tax hike. Why do you think that the GOP is being told to say ‘no?’

    And what odds would you give that the GOP will, in fact, say ‘no’ given that the State-controlled media will point out that it is ‘for the children’?

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