Talking Points Memo kind of creeped out by Joe Biden.

Admittedly, in a half-cringing, apologetic fashion that was actively painful to read. It was like the author was writing it under the watchful eye of a man of uncertain temper and poor communications skills… which is probably accurate, at that. Oh, I’m sure that it’s not overt, or anything.  But Lord knows that white progressive males do not like to be the targets of a self-criticism session…

Via Instapundit.

Moe Lane

PS: Joe Biden gets away with this stuff because he knows that he’ll never, ever be (deservedly) backhanded for it. Just in case it wasn’t obvious, and it’s pretty obvious at this point.

PPS: So it’s bad for a man to tell a woman what she’s really thinking, but it’s OK for a liberal to tell a conservative what his real motivations are?  Or is Leftsplaining just permitted because shut up? – These people aren’t exactly what you’d call models of consistency, huh?

10 thoughts on “Talking Points Memo kind of creeped out by Joe Biden.”

  1. Biden has been doing this for years and years according to a couple friends who had personal interactions with him.

    Do none of these women have a husband worth a crap? I don’t care who he is, a man pulling these kind of stunts with my wife would have a serious problem on his hands.

    1. To answer your question, no – their husbands would gladly sacrifice the honor of their wives for “the cause”, just as the fathers of the various women that Democrats have abused have.

      I don’t care if it was my wife, daughter or a female acquaintance, Biden’s little touchy-feely antics would end in very short order.

  2. i’m just curious as to why his wife and family haven’t made him stop it.were i Jill Biden i’d be horribly embarrassed.

    1. …. seriously? Because they like running Delaware as their personal fiefdom? Because they like getting invited to the right parties, hanging with the right people? Because they like not getting caught too?

  3. The comments to that article are hilarious. According to them the author of the article is some kind of right-wing nut job for even *daring* to say anything bad about Uncle Joe.

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