Calls for a General Strike in Wisconsin. Will it work?

Interesting question.

As Wisconsin considers becoming the nation’s 25th Right-To-Work state, unions are up in arms and planning to protest the state capitol on Tuesday.

In some corners, however, some are proposing something more radical—a “general strike.”

My immediate gut answer would be …theoretically, it might.  If the unions could get the Democrats in general on board, they might have a shot. Might. In practical terms, though? Well, I am not from Wisconsin, but I get the general impression that many of the people in Wisconsin are getting tired of the Democrats pulling junk like this every two years. It’s like the recall: theoretically, the Democrats could get one going for next year. …Which would probably ensure that Wisconsin flips to the R column.

I can’t imagine that the Democrats don’t already know that. So I’m going to guess that no, there won’t be a general strike. At least not until the Wisconsin Democratic party recharges its batteries a bit more. Which means that Right-to-Work is going to probably pass in Wisconsin.

Moe Lane


9 thoughts on “Calls for a General Strike in Wisconsin. Will it work?”

    1. “How quaint.”

      Yes, it is a quaint idea, a relic of another time. Exit question: who will be willing to be the first to walk out?

  1. There are times when only movie quotes will suffice.
    Go ahead, punk. Make my day.
    Seriously, shutting down the capitol building pissed off the citizenry enough to get their hindquarters kicked. Now, for an encore, they want to try to shut down the entire state?
    Good luck with that.
    I *do* want to see the American tradition of “tarred, feathered, and ridden out of town on a rail” revived. They’re trying to fulfill my wish.

  2. I am not sure that the left realizes how counter-productive their little temper tantrums are when it comes election time. “Moral Mondays” sure did not have the desired effect here in NC, and I truly believe the combination of Democrats fleeing the capitol in Madison and leftist protesters storming it did more to help Scott Walker than anything he or his supporters could have dreamed.

    1. PS – As I was touring Occupy Wall Street during its heyday in Zucotti Park (and patronizing the street vendors who were shut down because of the protest), I came upon a lady with a sign saying “Next Step – General Strike!”. I was dying to ask her how one could strike if one was not working, but a prior agreement with my family and a police presence nearby prevented me from doing so.

  3. were i Walker, i think i’d toss the private unions a bone or two at this point. promise to get keystone xl built, for instance. make noises about doing serious repair of infrastructure. i’m sure there are other things.

  4. Amusing flanking maneuver by WI State Sen. Steve Nass as chair of committee hearing on Right to Work. H/t Jay Weber show on WISN who interviewed Nass this morning. Nass said he caught wind of the possibility earlier. But then he noticed other Dem. lawmakers start showing up right before the planned 7PM end time. The committee had been listening to testimony for over 7 hours already. So he cut the hearing short. He had a police escort him out of the building and drive him to his car because of all the profanity and anger pointed at him from protestors. If the “peaceful” protesters would have had their way, it likely would have pushed the vote into next week given them more time to whine. Score one for the WI Republicans.

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