Today is April Fools’ Day.

I’m not really going to do anything for that, because: a) everybody else will; b) I can’t think of a good enough joke; and c) I’m on a mini-vacation anyway.  Besides, I just got ten hours sleep and I’m too busy being fascinated by the aftermath. I have got to start going to bed earlier…

6 thoughts on “Today is April Fools’ Day.”

  1. Personally I’m hoping the first Pillars of Eternity patch will drop today. I really should have known better than to play before it hit, it is from Obsidian, after all.

  2. I almost…almost…got taken in by the AosHQ News Dump item declaring Netflix had bought the rights to Firefly.

    He made the fatal mistake – it’s far too good to be true.

  3. > b) I can’t think of a good enough joke


    This isn’t stopping anybody else…

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