This ‘Ex Machina’ trailer.

Apparently, it’s out in limited release.

Looks… interesting. Although it’d be nice if we had AI movies that didn’t fall into two or three broad categories. A movie with a sentient robot that was no big deal would be cool.

Moe Lane

PS: Assuming that this is a Murderous AI movie, I’d like to note for the record that if you locked me up in a glass-wall prison – with my jailer being a guy who was going to scoop out my brain later on and create another version of me – then I’m not sure how my killing the SOB for it would precisely be murder.  I mean, I think my lawyer could convince a jury that the dude was a serial killer, or something. I’m just saying, the AI may not be over-reacting.

7 thoughts on “This ‘Ex Machina’ trailer.”

  1. I got the impression it was a Frankenstein Monster type of approach. The actual Mary Shelly book (which leaves you debating who was the real monster: Dr Frank or his creation) – not the monstrosity we now know as Frankenstein.

  2. Didn’t watch the trailer (saw the first one) before I made my last comment. Apparently I wasn’t far off: “A ‘Frankenstein’ for the search-engine generation” (Though I have no idea what a ‘search-engine’ generation is – someone is trying too hard to coin a term. That is so fetch.)

  3. A movie with a sentient robot that was no big deal would be cool.

    Oh, you mean something like this? Granted, Silverside included a serial killer, but part of the point (as I see it) was that it was the killer part that was noteworthy, not the robot.

  4. It should be noted that this movie apparently contains two favorite leftist tropes: rich people are evil, and technology will destroy us.


    So, you know, SSDD

  5. I thought that Sunshine was almost a really good film, but then there was that third act… crikey. I don’t know if I can trust Garland again.

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