Sen. Tammy Baldwin (D, WI) attacks black woman over VA whistle-blowing.


A former staffer for U.S. Sen. Tammy Baldwin has filed an ethics complaint accusing the Madison Democrat of engaging in a political coverup by firing the aide.


[Marquette] Baylor turned down a severance deal that contained a confidentiality clause.


U.S. Sen. Tammy Baldwin’s PR Machine went into hyper-drive Monday following news of a potentially damning ethics complaint filed against the Madison Democrat by a former aide that Baldwin sacked in what the deputy has charged is a “political cover-up.’

And yes, I think that Ms. Baylor’s skin color is a factor, here.  The absolute last thing that Sen. Baldwin needs here is to have Ms. Baylor appear to be a sympathetic figure, which is why Baldwin’s staff is openly calling Baylor a ‘pawn.’ Particularly since the larger issue – which is to say, Baldwin’s involvement in a festering VA scandal – ensures that things aren’t getting smoothed away any time soon.  Hence, the rather urgent need to turn Marquette Baylor into the Other.


You know: it would have been simpler for everyone involved if Senator Baldwin had simply done the job that she had been elected to do in the first place.

Moe Lane

3 thoughts on “Sen. Tammy Baldwin (D, WI) attacks black woman over VA whistle-blowing.”

  1. once she was elected, her job was to blindly follow orders from the White House. which she did, hence her problem. had it been her fellow Senator from WI, Al Sharpton even now would be leading a protest vigil outside Ron Johnson’s office/house/etc.nothing will come of this. the former aide will be accused and convicted of betraying her race and party, and who wants to listen to a convict?

  2. Things would’ve been even simpler, if Wisconsin had elected a Republican instead.

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