[UPDATE: Video of the exchange is up. The full version is actually even more entertaining. And note that the Speaker was exasperated enough to not wait for the reporter to actually finish asking that particular clown question before he laid down the smackdown.]
“Are you really going to ask such a stupid question? Listen, you know they started this yesterday, ‘it’s all about funding, it’s all about funding.’ Well, obviously it’s not about funding. The train was going twice the speed limit. Adequate funds were there. No money’s been cut from rail safety, and the House passed a bill earlier this spring to reauthorize Amtrak and authorize a lot of these programs. And it’s hard for me to imagine that people take the bait on some of the nonsense that gets spewed around here.”
Because that’s what it was.
Does Amtrak accident have to do with funding? Here's @SpeakerBoehner response h/t @NPRrelving pic.twitter.com/Ojfz87sZoG
— Domenico Montanaro (@DomenicoNPR) May 14, 2015
Seriously: don’t drive a train at 100 mph on a 50 mph curve.
Moe Lane
PS: By the way: this is just the difference between an A+ answer and an A++ answer. I’m not offering criticism; I’m just calibrating.
Wow, 3 cheers for the Speaker. And not a single tear was shed ( atleast by him, that reporter though probably had to go to a ‘safe space’ afterwards)
It’s a start… if he were serious, he’d have replaced ‘nonsense’ with ‘bull####’.
The important thing is, Sobby Spraytan is taking his first baby steps to, in the words of a man I respect and admire greatly:
[Gunnery Sgt. Hartmann voice] “SOUND OFF LIKE YOU GOT A PAIR!!!”
Wow. Boehner dusted of the ol’ spine for a test drive. It takes a peculiar kind of stupid to make that happen.