Quote of the Day, I Am Not Worried That The Democrats Have No One To Aim At Yet edition.

Quite the contrary, really.  Anyway, what makes this quote particularly entertaining is that your average Democratic operative has very possibly never been in a Super Walmart in his or her life, and so has no idea what Brad Todd is talking about:

‪“More quality candidates and a deeper field is always better,” says Brad Todd, a Republican communications operative who is working for a political action committee supporting Bobby Jindal, adding that there is no imperative to settle on a nominee quickly. “We have the selection you’d expect from a Super Walmart, and on the Democratic side it’s a Moscow grocery.”

Although I understand that Moscow’s groceries improved, once the Commies went away.  Then again, pretty much everything improves when the Commies go away.  Something about how Communism kind of sucks.

2 thoughts on “Quote of the Day, I Am Not Worried That The Democrats Have No One To Aim At Yet edition.”

  1. I would have used “Venezuelan Grocery” myself, or “Soviet Grocery” maybe. Ooh, “Cuban Grocery”. I like that one.
    Anyway, he got his point across.

  2. “Progressives” would prefer shopping in a Soviet grocery. And they would forcibly limit the rest of us to that meager selection, too, if only they could.
    As Bernie Sanders said, “You don’t necessarily need a choice of 23 underarm spray deodorants or of 18 different pairs of sneakers when children are hungry in this country.”

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