Now comes the time of Mandatory Joy and Fun. Seriously, I need this break pretty badly. Also, admittedly, starting Thursday I’m half back on the clock for the RedState Gathering, but sufficient to the day and all that.
5 thoughts on “Annnnnd everything is packed.”
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Weird Al vacation?
You and your family have a great time, Moe!
Aaaaaand you also didn’t give us a thread to comment on your most recent PJ Lifestyle piece.
Sure, I’d do it there, but I don’t remember my password, and don’t want my cell phone trying to synch with my email. (Which it is absolutely convinced it should do at the least opportunity. It’s trying to railroad me. MS 10 ain’t got nothing on Verizon.)
IMO, railroading is a symptom of the players lackng agency. It can be the result of an overbearing GM, but is at least as likely to be the result of PCs ducking uncomfortable choices, and not having an emotional investment in actually trying to change anything in the setting except for their own wealth, power, and status. That doesn’t exactly lend itself to happy endings.
And speaking of railroading DMs, I highly recommend DM of the Rings:
I think I’ve GMed for that group.
Once I adjusted my expectations, it was actually kind of fun.
Not fun, was the player who kept asking questions about the setting that each required a couple of pages of response. (Ecclesiastic jurisprudence for the various cults in a fantasy pantheon? Seriously? You need this for character creation?) Who complained about getting the mass of information he’d specifically asked for. (The “overwhelming infodump” was 5 pages long, most of which was creation myth and my philosophy of running the game, with a bit of history and mechanical bits on the side. The next 20-some were things he specifically asked for.) Then made a character that was wildly inappropriate for the game. (And threw a fit when I told him “No. You can’t be a ninja.” In a game that was explicitly drawn from Dark Ages Briton.)