And thank GOD but I don’t have to deal with what I was expecting to have to deal with tomorrow now. This situation practically tested my practical operating methodology to destruction. I’m just as happy to not have to deal with it in such a direct fashion anymore.
15 thoughts on “Surprisingly busy night.”
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Tonight, I quit Destiny.
And Bungie can kiss my hairy white buttocks.
It was bad enough that they decided to make existent gear (that we’ve invested hundreds of hours in) worthless.
It was bad enough that they broke an explicit promise by doing so.
It was bad enough that they tried to be sneaky about it, and released the information as a minor sidenote on a third party site.
The icing on the cake was when the “community manager” decided to address the firestorm. And did so in the most condescending and insulting fashion possible.
Screw them.
May they go as bankrupt as their ethics.
Oh, and a prediction: you’re still going to have to deal with it.
But hopefully at a slightly greater remove.
I don’t think it’ll hurt him much, though. It’s not news to anybody that Trump is an ass. If he’d spent the debate doing nothing but insulting the media and career politicians, his numbers would likely have gone up.
Given. Trump is a terrible human being.
So is Hillary. So is Obama. So are quite a few of the other Republican candidates.
Romney is a credit to the human race (even though he’s a squish). That didn’t seem to help him.
Worse, the base knows with rock solid certainty that nearly all the nominees will happily and cheerfully sell them out. And those few that won’t, don’t have the money to be very effective, and will be facing constant media bias–even on Fox.
So, if we’re going to be stuck with a charlatan anyway, why not choose the most entertaining one?
And since we *want* a limited federal government, a blowhard who is certain to overreach and cause a backlash is quite possibly the best deal we can get. Especially since he’s so thin-skinned, and utterly incapable of defusing anything..
I’d have to hold my nose to vote for him.
But I’d happily do so before voting for Bush, Rubio, Kasich, Huckabee, Graham…
Gee, can’t even get a respite from all the stupidity of the campaign season. Not a Trump supporter, but not adverse to him stirring the pot. Now I’ve been reading across the ‘net, and didn’t think what some people thought right out of the gate, so I guess it’s a mindset. Either way, it’s very easy to get caught up in bombastic craziness, so I hope this settles down.
I’m so against the GOP Establishment, as are many others, it’s going to be a very, very hard sell to have to get me to vote for just another sellout once they get in office. Luke, you’ve certainly pegged several of them. I’d add one or two others, including Carly who apparently attacked Cruz for wanting to defund Obamacare.
That said, it’s important to remember that whomever we want, there are supporters of other candidates that we’re going to need and they’ll stay home unless we can finesse this mess.
Exactly. Many people such as yourself, aren’t in the Trump Camp so much as the LetItBurn camp, supporting the worst possible candidate in hopes of a swift and clear epiphany of disaster. What good has a GOP Congress done in the last year? Do we expect any of these people to make any more difference with the other third of government? The problem here is conservatives willing to have their name on the cause of said disaster.
One quibble: Let It Burn is more of an admission that we can’t stop it than going full pyromaniac.
Jindal has already been pushed to the fringe.
The “friendly” moderators largely froze Cruz out of the debate.
The commentariat is denigrating Walker, and actively boosting squishes.
Unless CNN overreaches, and one of the conservatives takes full advantage… That may be all she wrote.
“Let it burn” is an endorsement of creative destruction – that is, we *know* it’s gonna burn, so let’s get there ahead of *their* schedule, and hope Asimov’s counterpoint is correct.
It’s not. Unless we will the cosmic lottery and get the reincarnation of George Washington, we’ll wind up with a tyrant.
Which may well be preferable to the tyranny the Leftists are actively setting up. But we don’t have to go over that cliff quite yet.
😉 That’s with respect to the country, of course. Not the Republican party. Frame it that way, and I’m very much on board.
Then .. you are not in the “Let It Burn” camp, Luke.
I don’t know where you’d put me, cat. I’m in the camp that is convinced it’s going to burn regardless, but I’d really prefer that it hold off long enough for me to get my retreat purchased out in the country. But I’m not necessarily convinced that the 90% squish that the RNC would prefer is a net advantage over the Dems in that regard.
Skip – if the gutless turd wing of the GOP manage to nominate another underwear-stain of a Bush, or an apparatchik with delusions of competence like Kasich, then .. it really doesn’t matter.
Since my vote has only counted in 1984 (Illinois – look it up) .. I will simply vote third party in protest to both the gutless turds and the Dems.
I would, by the way, say you’re in the “cutting it a little close there, son” camp.
This is a test to see if I have been banned, because I can log in but twice it would not accept a post.
Looks like those comments used a word in the spam filter, or something.
So long as it didn’t test your liver to destruction, Moe.
More seriously, not surprised. Those not prepared do tend to blow themselves up most effectively.
Sorry Moe, but Erick handed the shrieking SJW harpies the banhammer over RSG and forced our side to play on their terms. This was an unforced error that makes our side look timid and weak while ironically, only strengthens and emboldens Trump.
Without Trump RSG would have gotten the usual crazy winger cultist coverage. Perhaps an opportunity was missed? Tossing Trump some chunks of anti-Prog and/or policy red meat that the media would spew might have been a better choice.
Trump’s un-PC rhetoric is throwing the left onto its back foot by laying out the ways the left is destroying the country in plain language. No one on our side can summon the massive media coverage that Trump can, or break through the media firewall…so shutting him up might not be in our best interest, we need to play his game better than he. We should be fund raising off the issues he’s raising with the white working/middle class and Reagan Democrats, not clutching the drapes.
Kelly and Wallace should have given Trump less air time, not run a game of gotcha. They they were so full of themselves that they fed the beast, to their peril. Ted Cruz, one of the most articulate candidates on our side didn’t even get a question until 40 mins in…WTF?
btw- as a woman, I didn’t get the connection between the word whatever and menses. I’m very disappointed in Kelly, she should be stuffing this SJW BS down the left’s throat. She played the game and lost. Trump bested her. Tpo tier media and politics ain’t bean bag.
Trump enjoys playing the fool, but underestimating his cunning & guile is a yuuuge mistake. He hasn’t amassed a great fortune by not knowing how to negotiate or how to play others to achieve his ends; as he just did by completely overshadowing the rest of the field. Trump is probably the most effective self-promoter of our times. He knew full well criticism of Kelly would be topic #1 all weekend. Can anyone recall any policy positions or what the others had to say?
Thanks for nothing Fox.
I dunno ..
I’ll say that there’s a .. funny aroma .. about the disinvite, and leave it there.
Fox News is Fox News, they do what they do.