10 thoughts on “Today we see the limits of my geekdom.”

  1. I’ve seen bits and pieces of several of those movies. The 2014 Hercules wasn’t terrible, it just didn’t have anything to do with Hercules.

  2. Well as someone who does seek out movies that are on the bad end of the quality scale for enjoyment, I’ll still note that yeah, this is an awful list. The author doesn’t seem to grasp that cult hits tend to be either good films that folks just missed or bad films that have enough quality to be entertainingly bad. Most of the list is neither or worse, it’s campy and the author equates that with “good.” And some of the choices are just weird. Bloodrayne? Really? That film was awful. Not entertainingly awful, but incompetently made, boring and badly acted awful.
    Frankly, the only film on that list that I’d defend would be Drive Angry, which was a better Nicholas Cage being Ghost Rider film than the actual Ghost Rider films were.

  3. I’ve seen 4’ish of them. I might have seen Drive Angry, but I’m not entirely sure that I’m not thinking of one of the Ghost Rider movies instead.
    Bloodrayne was actually pretty decent, for a Uwe Boll videogame movie.

  4. Of those I’ve only seen Drive Angry and Beastmaster 2. Neither of those deserve a cult following. Deathstalker 2, where they realized they could just parody Deathstalker, was a better sequel and far more deserving of cult status than Beastmaster 2.

    If you want a true cult classic, try Shock Treatment, the equal-not-a-sequel to Rocky Horror.

  5. I have fond memories of “Eliminators” from when I was in high school. But, “Drive Angry” is worth the watch.

  6. Thanks to parents who have a love of really bad and never should be seen let alone tell anybody you’ve seen movies, I’ve seen quite a few on that list. They even own the Beastmaster ones and I had to talk them out of the Last Airbender.

    M Night Shamallama really shouldn’t have let his kid write/direct that monstrosity! Absolutely loved the cartoon series and was just appalled at the horribleness of the movie. Such potential wasted because he couldn’t let his heritage go for the sake of following the cartoon. Gah!

    The Nick Cage one I actually did like.

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