Found here. Short version: …it’s not very short. I kind of went snarky in my definition of various MMO terms. Because I’m flying from lack of sleep! WHEEEE!!!!!!
8 thoughts on “My PJ Lifestyle post on MMOs is up!”
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Found here. Short version: …it’s not very short. I kind of went snarky in my definition of various MMO terms. Because I’m flying from lack of sleep! WHEEEE!!!!!!
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that’s a -50 DKP for failure to mention DKP, Moe
Plus, you missed a few more. I’ve honestly never heard anyone call their player their avatar since Ultima Online. It’s always been your toon, at least in the guilds I’ve hung out with. Toons are, of course, subdivided into a single main, and a set of alts.
Also: Mob – one single creature that you fight. This confuses new people because they expect it to be, well, multiples. Comes from muds, when it referred to mobile creatures.
In addition to fetch quests, there are the ever-popular FedEx quests, where you take something from NPC A to NPC b.
As for decades, good Lord, has it really been 18 years since Ultima Online released? 16 since Everquest released? Yikes…
You are completely in error, because the correct term is chained quests.
As someone who plays even less, you are super wrong.
Character Classes should be called Character Roles. Not all systems use classes to force a character into only performing a specific set of roles.
Escort quests are apparently Vox Day’s fault.
Level: Not all MMOs use levels.
PvP: I have bad taste, and read a lot of VRMMORPG stories. I am a terrible writer, and attempt to write the sort of things I read. For some reason a Mi-Go brain jarring operation sounds like it would fit the genre.
Didn’t mention aggro, adds, or off-tank. As someone younger and less mature than you, it would be more authentic if I were to castigate you for noobness.
Don’t know if it applies anywhere else, but Path of Exile has instances, not dungeons. And your section on patches should really include nerf. And does WoW have pets/familiars?
And you could probably do a full article on free to play. Some games give you a little taste of the game. Some games make it possible to play the full game, but you’ll never win in pvp if you don’t pay [pay to win]. Path of Exile is expressly “you won’t ever have to pay to play, and the only things we’ll sell are cosmetic or stash space.” Kingdom of Loathing is “we create a new item each month, and we’d like it if you paid cash for it, but it’ll be buyable with in-game currency too.”
…And that, folks, is why the last entry was ‘Everything else.’ Because I’m a PROFESSIONAL, that’s why.
These people are a bunch of nitpicky rules lawyer types. I play EVE and I recognize a lot of these terms.
That is not how you are supposed to respond in a thread like this. Whenever someone is wrong on the internet, you are required to correct them. You should’ve said ‘Moe, you did not mention suicide ganking. You are a very bad person of low social status. I am great. Pat Buckman 2016.’