O blessed day!

Apparently CNBC won’t stream the debate.  I can’t very well cover a debate I can’t see, can I?  That’s right, I can’t.  Aw. shucks…

Moe Lane

PS: No, I’m not tired of the primary yet. It’s just that it’s Halloween, and my MMO is having a Halloween event, and… well.  I have a busy week ahead, that’s all.

5 thoughts on “O blessed day!”

  1. Well thankfully living in Denver I know which local radio station is streaming the debate audio. It’s http://www.710knus.com
    There you go! Now you can listen to the debate and get to comment along with the rest of us! It’s a good thing I dropped by, huh?

    1. Oh Teacher, you forgot to give us our homework assignment for the three-day holiday weekend. And what happened to that pop quiz you were alluding to earlier this week?

        1. Hello? There’s a little thing called The World Series on!
          As much fun as it is to listen to self-important schmucks pontificate on how wonderful they are, it just doesn’t compare to the drama of the Series.

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