Tweet of the Day, Watch @Carlquintanilla Praise Female Gendercide Here edition.

There’s just something filthy about this tweet.

Look, I understand that there are people who aren’t pro-life. OK. But when the goram GUARDIAN writes things like this

The Communist party credits the policy with preventing 400m births, thus contributing to China’s dramatic economic takeoff since the 1980s.

But the human toll has been immense, with forced sterilisations, infanticide and sex-selective abortions that have caused a dramatic gender imbalance that means millions of men will never find female partners.

…then maybe people should be worrying about at what point somebody stops being ‘pro-choice’ and starts being no-fooling ‘pro-abortion.’

Via @NathanWurtzel.

5 thoughts on “Tweet of the Day, Watch @Carlquintanilla Praise Female Gendercide Here edition.”

  1. I think the recent videos pretty much ripped that mask off.
    Unfortunately, we found out that altogether too many of our fellow citizens revel in the slaughter.

    1. A closer parallel would be arguing that the T4 program worked, and that is why socialized medicine works less badly in Europe than America.

  2. The Communist party credits the policy with preventing 400m births, thus contributing to China’s dramatic economic takeoff since the 1980s.
    Of course they do.
    Heaven forbid communists acknowledge that the economy can improve when they stop raping it so badly. (Mao died in 1975.) Bless their hearts.
    Cost savings eugenics is intellectually bankrupt. Post green revolution, making a net caloric profit is easy in a free market economy. The only clear losses are murderers, rapists, and maybe druggies.
    It is impossible to forecast those things from pregnancy. At the scale of 400 million, you kill so much more net producers that the gains of such murder are dwarfed by the losses.
    1. The PRC ate their seed corn. 2. ‘Maybe a permit for a second child’ is not necessarily any better.

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