19 thoughts on “Fallout 4… is not yet in the mail.”

  1. Well, when it does show up, make sure and download the day 1 patch. Fixes a few showstoppers from what I read.

  2. If I had an XBOne, I’d be wallowing in it.
    But I don’t.
    Just like old times. Bethesda releases a new game, and I have to wait until I buy a new machine to play it.
    But at least this time I know that up front, rather than buying it day one and finding out the game doesn’t like one or more of my components. Then having it smugly leer at me for a year or two until I can justify the expense.

    1. I would be in this boat, except that the awesome new gaming rig my equally awesome readers bought me earlier is sufficient for this game.

      1. Yeah, one of these days I should see if I can monetize my heckling. Sounds too much like work, though.

  3. Perhaps mostly off topic here, but one of the best pleasures of the modern age has to be when your order status becomes “out for delivery”.

      1. Plus, you often get some kind of cool swag like a poster, fold out map, or a code for some additional DLC.

      2. To my immediate left and a little up is an honest-to-God Alduin perched on a word wall. My parents did not mention it when they visited my new house a few weeks back.
        They’re sweet like that.

    1. Some of us like physical copies. Plus with some retailers, it’s cheaper to buy the physical copy than the digital. I can save 20% off the Steam price by having to wait a day or two from when it launches.

  4. My boy has it and he’s like…haven’t played it yet.

    Was upset the soda got sold out, though.

  5. Last night, I watched the first part of Fallout 4 and the new Tomb Raider on youtube.
    *Snerk collar detonates*

  6. Installing from the Pip Boy edition right now. Don’t feel bad Moe, I use Steam all the time, but I too want the physical product on this one. Looks very nice! Can’t wait to get started…

  7. I have Steam.
    I also have this old game called* Fighting Steel which was surface combat in early WWII. I would like to get another game where I can throw battleships, cruisers, and destroyers at each other.
    Any recommendations?
    *Fighting Steel won’t work with Windows 7 and yes, I would really like to throw Renown against Scharnhorst one more time.**
    **Scharnhorst was dead in the water and Renown had lost main battery. So I set up for a ram.
    Yeah, Scharnhorst was sunk, but Renown certainly wasn’t going to be operational for the rest of the war. Still, watching the old battlecruiser put its bow dead center into the German battlecruiser – awesome.

    1. Well, World of Warships sounds like you might enjoy it, if you’re into the MMO style of actiony games.
      Otherwise, let me think-On an older system, there was a PS2 series called “Naval Ops” here in the States. It was a Koei action game where you throw surface warships at each other, and occasionally fight giant mega warships in boss battles. There were some old DOS games called The Lost Admiral and The Grandest Fleet that were great, but 20+ years old. Sid Meier’s Pirates! has great naval battles, but that might be a little too far back for you.
      Also, you might want to fiddle with Dosbox to see if you can get Fighting Steel working with that. And some folks at NWS have been working on patches for the game as well, so you might try there to see if the new patches will help things.

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