So… yeah. Runoff election in Louisiana tonight.

I can say with no fear of contradiction and/or accusations of prevarication that I want John Bel Edwards to lose.  That this desire has a logical consequence is, strictly speaking, not my fault. Such is life, in this fallen world.

As to whether Edwards will win… he’s been consistently ahead of David Vitter in the polls. The problem there for Democrats is, so was Jack Conway up in Kentucky, and that kind of blew up in their faces. If I was still a Democrat, I’d like my chances, but I wouldn’t trust them*.

Anyway, results here.

Moe Lane

*Look, I don’t want to say that the polls are wrong, simply because we don’t know that the polls are wrong. Maybe they fixed them. Maybe Louisiana is largely immune to the polling problems that have plagued Democrats since 2013. We just don’t know. But if the polls are wrong tonight, too, then it’s time that the industry yanked everything and looked at their methodologies. Heck, they should do it now anyway.