18 thoughts on “Tweet of the Day, This Speaks To Me edition.”

        1. Yes.
          But the correct line would be “search your feelings, you know it to be true”.
          Of course, I wouldn’t have cooperated, and used it as a segue into a Fight Club quote…

          1. Doug McKenzie: I am your father, Luke. Give in to the dark side of the force, you knob.

            Bob McKenzie: He saw Jedi 17 times, eh.

      1. I saw that on broadcast tv. Even at age 12 I knew it blew chunks. That everyone on it was high/wasted/highly wasted was apparent even to my sheltered life.

  1. I’d be a lot more hopeful if the early coverage didn’t feature feminazis squealing about the movie passing the Bechel test.
    But the prequels and revisions already did about as much spoiling as is humanly possible.

    1. *throws hands up* that’s why that movie sucked! I’ve been trying to put my finger on it for 15 years, and by golly if that and Mr. Plinkett don’t sum it all up.

    2. Currently the feminists are trying to unperson Brackett, and claim her first draft wasn’t the basis for Empire Strikes Back. Apparently so that they can claim justification for various Lucasfilm affirmative action hirings. The timing of the push may suggest that TFA sucks, and they want to be ready to call Moe a misogynist.

  2. Really, though, nothing can spoil the memory of sitting in the theater when the shipped roared overhead. We sat through the movie twice.

  3. Oh – VBSpurs! She used to comment at Althouse. I miss reading her comments, they were always good.

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