My assumption is that you haven’t seen Star Wars by Friday…

…you probably won’t be doing so any time soon. Up to that point, I’m not going to discuss anything that might be a spoiler, period; after that, I plan to talk about the film, with the usual [SPOILERS] tag of course. I figure that I can do that and remain essentially honorable.

Moe Lane

PS: I’ve had to unfriend one person on Facebook who just flat-out threw out the spoilers for the movie. Fortunately, I saw that AFTER I watched the movie, so I was disgusted rather than furious.  There’s being edgy, and then there’s just being a sykes. Don’t be a sykes.

20 thoughts on “My assumption is that you haven’t seen Star Wars by Friday…”

  1. At this point I hate Hollywood and Disney Corp, so spoil away: I’ll see the movie when it’s free.

    1. Or, you know, never. Doesn’t really matter at this point. Jar Jar pretty much destroyed the franchise, anyway…

      1. Quibble.
        George Lucas burned the franchise down.
        Jar Jar was just the road flare he tossed on the gasoline-soaked pile of kindling.
        That said .. VII captured the “vibe” .. the “vibe” that apparently George grew to hate.

  2. So, you mean I have to wait four more days before I’m free to talk about William Shatner’s surprise cameo as Darth Tiberius?

      1. Then I suppose this would be a really bad time to mention Edward James Olmos and his strong supporting role as Mon Adama?

  3. Might see it this weekend, but may have to wait until NEXT weekend though.

    I saw the original in the theatre full price…7 times. While it was 1977, I was making $1.65 hr at the time (I was 14)…so that was a substantial outlay way back when…doubt I’ll see this one more than once in the theatre though…

  4. If I cared negatively about spoilers, I most likely would already have seen it, or would just avoid reading anything about it.
    As it is, and given the prequels, I’m not going to see it *without* spoilers. So spoil away.

  5. Don’e wait on me to see it, I’ll wait till it’s free. Still haven’t seen more than bits and pieces of 2 and 3. So I can wait a long time.

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