So you missed out on the Delta Green Kickstarter. Fear not!

You can still pre-order the stuff you want via Backerkit. You will not, mind you, get the discount that you would have gotten if you had ponied up the three hundred bucks for all the hardcovers/PDFs in the first place… unless, of course, you pledged something to begin with. But it’s still worth it, I think. Certainly I’m looking forward to getting Mythos-RPG-Supplement-of-the-Month shipments for the next year or so…

Tweet of the Day, The BDS Movement Clearly Causes Neurological Damage edition.

If you’re wondering why this Marsha Levine person thought that she could treat a 13 year old like garbage, it’s because screaming at an Jew is never going to be a social faux pas among Dr. Levine’s set. Indeed: it might keep Dr. Levine from suffering the same fate, herself. That particular crowd can turn on a person faster than lightning.

Note that I am explicitly saying that if you support BDS with regard to Israel, you are probably stupid and are certainly getting stupider every day. Consult a neurologist with all due speed. If you won’t consult a neurologist, then at least stop operating heavy machinery.