A question for the readership.

It’s a programming thing more than anything else. Do you guys want distractions in the run-up to New Hampshire, or do you want obsessive coverage? I can probably do either, and I know that I’ll be covering NH stuff over at RedState anyway. But if people want to read about something, anything else than the damn New Hampshire race, I can understand that impulse, too.

15 thoughts on “A question for the readership.”

  1. Why flood the market? We come here for *intelligent* content. Little new can be said on the Shire of Newhamp, though I have higher hopes from you than from most others……

  2. I’ll be happy either way. A lot of people will be distracted by this thing called the Super Bowl two days previous, fwiw.

  3. We’re all news junkies. But there’s really not a lot likely to actually happen in NH until the voting. Just a lot of bloviating and trying (mostly unsuccessfully) to influence perceptions.

  4. Distractions. Obviously if something truly interesting pops up, go with that. But in general, I’ve got too many other sources for election coverage.

  5. Yeah, I’m the Boston media market. Blech. Though I do enjoy watching the ads with the sound turned off to try and figure out who is paying for it by who is pictured in scary black and white.

    I did enjoy the Cruz smear ad that ended his face over pasted over a maple leaf.

  6. NH with go on and on, link you RS articles so we can follow your thoughts. But, bring on the silly and weird, we are going to need it especially this week.

  7. Since I know that you’ll cover anything really interesting out of New Hampshire, and since I’ll be hearing a lot about the state from multiple sources…distractions, plz n thx.

  8. I’ll join the chorus – we can get wall-to-wall punditry anywhere, we come here for your perspective- which includes NH *and* music and gaming news.
    Put another way, do what you want, I don’t think you’re in much danger of losing traffic.

  9. We’ve a looong row to hoe twix NH and Nov next…we’re gonna need all the distractions you can muster.

  10. Do you guys want distractions in the run-up to New Hampshire, or do you want obsessive coverage?
    Yes, please!

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