We are definitely chugging along on the 7th Sea Kickstarter pay-for-my-wife’s-character’s-RPG-immortality pledge drive, here; although strict accuracy requires that I note that I tapped family members for this one. You would not believe how difficult it is to shop for my wife… what am I saying? Probably most of the people reading this are impossible to shop for, are involved with someone who is impossible to shop for, or both. Admittedly, in our cases it’s largely the problem that people will find it difficult to accept that, yes, please, Amazon gift cards. There’s nothing wrong with Amazon gift cards. We dream about getting Amazon gift cards for our birthdays and Christmases.
But I digress. I’m well and truly committed at this point: somebody snapped up the $500 pledge level I abandoned for the $1,000 one. I hope that that person yelled Woo-hoo! when he or she noticed that the level was now open again. It pleases me to think that I made the day of somebody that I don’t even know; it tastes of June mornings when the sun is up, but there was rain the night before and the breeze can’t decide whether to be warm or cool.
Still digressing, sorry. We continue onward! Ever onward! Until we stop.
for that kind of money they should let you do 2 characters… one for you too. i see you as a court archivist, writing it all down with snooty commentary….