Well, the truth is that it’s not as much fun for me as it is for other people, apparently. I have zero nostalgia for past CPACs, and I always end up catching a cold there. But this is going to be accurate, yup:
CPAC this year. pic.twitter.com/OPIpRIg3aY
— Ben Howe (@BenHowe) February 23, 2016
Oh, my, yes. Worse than usual. There may in fact be fistfights. There will certainly be a lot of ugliness.
Moe Lane
PS: No, that was not an invitation to explain things to me. I know perfectly well why things are ugly, and I’m being polite in not naming names. Show me the same basic courtesy.
I strongly recommend a comfortable seat on the sidelines, with a ready supply of popcorn and a beverage to your liking.
Never *been* to a CPAC, and honestly prevents me from saying I’d like to go .. it seems rather like going to Comic-con without the cosplay girls, or a gaming/science-fiction con without any good authors or a dealers’ room .. in other words, CPAC looks like a con without any of the things that make cons *fun*, eh?
That’s it in a nutshell. Oh, there’s a dealer’s room, but it’s never anything that I personally want.
I wouldn’t mind tracking down certain AuH2O memorabilia… but I suspect that’d be easier in the southwest.
I’ve always thought so.
But then, I never found cons fun, either. (Not that I’ve been to a major one. They sound even worse than the small ones.)
Hey, I’m not an extrovert. And I’m OK with that.
Moe you might want to check to see if you are shadowbanned from Twitter. Plenty of prominent conservatives are getting shadowbanned (Larry Correia, Adam Baldwin) and others are just outright banned (Robert Stacy McCain).
Larry’s flat done with Twitter.
Twitter is a victim of its’ own success .. because success attracts screech-harpies like dog [excrement] attracts flies.
Ace’s riff on Steven Fry’s “farewell” is .. pretty on point.
I will suggest that Twitter has the same problems MySpace and WebRings had .. and will end the same way.
Will the last person out please turn off all the ‘bots?
I deleted my account, so it won’t be me.
When I scan his feed I see a crapton of tweets, so probably not. But it bears watching.
Hey, if you don’t want to end up with a cold when you travel, start the over the counter antihistamines two hours before the flight (or contact with strangers) and stay on them until you fly home…. Used to save my life when I was traveling a lot on business….it’s all I’ve got; don’t do cons either…