…that’s worse than what happened to him today.
“Get on the plane and go home. It’s over there. Go home.”
I’ve tried to be cutting, but it’s just too… awful.
Moe Lane
…that’s worse than what happened to him today.
“Get on the plane and go home. It’s over there. Go home.”
I’ve tried to be cutting, but it’s just too… awful.
Moe Lane
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Jeez. This is what Trump does to his *friends*.
The hell of it is, I didn’t even want to do anything Trump-related today. It’s Saturday, for Heaven’s sake! I spent the afternoon watching anime with my gaming group.
Anything good?
Castle in the Sky.
My group asked me what I wanted, and I told ’em I wanted something nice and soothing.
And now I want to just binge-watch Miyazaki and I can’t remember if I have any in the house.
Someone else had a worse day:
You can’t see the single tear wending its way down my face at the thought of Bill Clinton finally snapping under the strain.
The thing is the left was govt that is bigger than ever, and the person they choose to lead this big govt that will run our lives is so obviously corrupt. I feel like I am being punked. Don’t these people realize how disturbing it is to think of these horrible people in charge of an ever-increasing govt presence in our lives?
I suspect that most people shy away from thinking about it.
How many, after all, shy away from retirement planning, or from writing their wills, or from taking the keys away from mom after her nth accident, eh?
Unpleasant thoughts? Ignore the topic… and we get the government they deserve for their .. human frailty?
Perhaps it would not be so frustrating if these people weren’t so absolutely convinced that they are smarter and morally superior to the rest of us. They should be mocked for their absurdity here.
To be fair about it, I’ve been accused of being precisely that by various Trump supporters.
Good point. and I am sure you have.
Good bit of real estate between an accusation and a proof.
To be fair, at least some of them do think about it, and are starting to recoil from it. I’m arguing about it on Facebook right now. Granted they’re for Bernie, so there’s limits to how far they’re willing to go, but the two I’m talking to have either quietly conceded the point or argeed with me when I said that they bear responsibility for enabling the slime monster they’re about to nominate think she’s untouchable.
They’re not ready to concede that Obama generally, and Obamacare in particular, bears responsibility for eliminating anyone who could have stood in Hillary’s way, though.
This is good to know. Maybe I need a better set of liberal friends. Their only drive is strategy and they feel like HRC would get them
Closer to the socialist state they want than Bernies because the (racist) GOP would work with her. Etihics don’t matter. Only strategy.
Sounds like we may have friends .. well, more like acquaintances, since there’s an increasing tendency to see me as “the enemy” because I dare to point out the gnats and camels in the filter .. in common, earlgrey.
lie down with dogs, etc etc