If Marco Rubio wins Florida after all, answers like this are going to be why.
Via John Podheretz, who is gloomier than I think he needs to be. Rubio made a really strong, really Florida-centric argument last night; and while I don’t see a path for him winning the nomination right now I do see one for him denying Donald Trump Florida’s delegates, which will be sufficient.
Moe Lane
PS: There was more, but this is all that I really wanted to share.
The question I’ve got is .. can Rubio’s supporters be counted on to be not-Hillary/Sanders supporters?
If by that you mean “Would I vote for Ted Cruz?” Of course.
If by that you mean “Would I vote for John Kasich?” Yes.
If by that you mean “Would I vote for Donald Trump?” Never.
Last I checked, you’re not a Florida voter.
My concern is the effects of the Rubio-Cruz feud on the general election *if* one assumes, as I join you in doing, that Trump has a ceiling.
p.s. My other concern is another “plurality victory” for Trump .. because Rubio-Cruz feud.
I think that we all exaggerate how much regular primary voters – the ones who aren’t really online – get worked up about this stuff. Especially when the alternative is a guy with anywhere from a 60-70% disapproval rating.
Yes, I’ve baked that in.
What I’m wondering about is how hard (or ..easy?) it is to turn off primary voters.
More directly, what did (or didn’t?) Romney do to lose Florida?
I really appreciate the difference between the two:
Trump says he will “make a good deal.”
Rubio lists out A, B, C, D, and E that would be part of his deal.
Since I don’t trust Trump any farther than I can throw him, I don’t want to wait and find out what he stands for and what’s in his deal after he’s been (God forbid) elected.