Book of the Week: ‘The Final Reflection.’

Damn, but I miss John M. Ford. He was one of those annoyingly casually brilliant writers who could produce good work on a moment’s notice, and without apparent effort. This week’s BotW is no exception:  The Final Reflection was, prior to the Next Generation stuff, considered pretty much the definitive Star Trek book on Klingons – but, more importantly: it’s a totally legitimate science fiction novel.  Dude was simply incapable of writing poorly.  

When I heard that he died I went and stared at the wall for a while.  Because it just wasn’t fair.

Anyway.  Adieu to The Dark Tower.

7 thoughts on “Book of the Week: ‘The Final Reflection.’”

  1. The Final Reflection was, prior to the Next Generation stuff, considered pretty much the definitive Star Trek book on Klingons – but, more importantly: it’s a totally legitimate science fiction novel.

    And it gave a much better explanation for the difference in appearance between ST:TOS Klingons and later ones than the “canon” explanation (which came after Ford’s).

  2. Thanks for the reminder, the only Ford Star Trek book that I read was “How Much for Just the Planet” which I read several times and loved it each time.

  3. I really should re-read The Final Reflection and How Much For Just The Planet? one of these years.

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