And LO! There are ribs.

Haven’t actually eaten any yet, but I think that they came out looking all right.


Thanks for the advice and suggestions, folks!  Even if I screwed up somewhere and they turn out to be inedible.  I figure that this is how you learn, right?

7 thoughts on “And LO! There are ribs.”

  1. They look cooked, though a little less ruddy in the “sauce-al” area than I am used to. Nevertheless, I would bite down on them.

    BTW – pork marinates well in just about everything I have tried – BBQ sauce, various salad dressings, Worcestershire sauce, Teryaki, – and so on. And it grills real well. And it isn’t overly expensive either. I like a nice well-marinated pork loin off of the grill.

  2. Edible ribs aren’t all that hard. Burnt-to-a-crisp ribs are the main risk, but unless you’re insisting on doing ’em on the grill, that’s not really a concern .. even there, just keep the grease from dropping straight into the fire (thus creating a really-hot-spot) it can be done. (I note the tin foil – one method of grease diversion)
    The hard part is getting from edible to good to *wow*.. and I haven’t mastered that yet.

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