Still on vacation…

…went easier today. You gotta just break the day down into smaller units, and then win those units. It also doesn’t hurt if you dose your kids with children’s allergy medicine once you realize that the pollen count is through the roof…

7 thoughts on “Still on vacation…”

  1. Yeah, been raining for two days here, and after the first day, all of the puddles were covered with a yellow film… It’s washed mostly away now (4+ inches of rain later) but some puddles still have that nasty yellow ring around the edge.

    1. Yikes, qix, where are you?
      I kinda know the feeling. The European Birch acroos the street has been dumping approximately a megaton of green dust (it was worse before I had the one in my front yard cut down).

      1. West central Georgia, out in the country 😀 Lots of trees around, and everything bloomed all at once this year. Early-ish spring for us, and it didn’t rain during the peak of the bloom. I guess. The rain has helped out a lot.

        1. Do y’all have the tree sap that eats through car paint?
          Not sure what it was, but the bro-in-law used to complain whenever he had to park his car under this one stand of garbage-trees because the sap *literally* ate holes in the paint…
          That said, worst cases of pollen I’ve seen come from pine and other evergreen trees, the ground downwind goes yellow..

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