Making Their Peace With Ted Cruz Watch, Jennifer Rubin edition.

I originally had a snarkier comment about this Jennifer Rubin piece on Ted Cruz, but then I remembered that I want Cruz to win the goram nomination.  So let me just shut that big, stupid mouth of mine and let the woman make her argument in peace, yes? – Because that would be smart.

I don’t suggest that Cruz brag about being unliked, especially as he is doing a good job warming up to voters. He should, however, stress that he is not going to do things (or not do things) to be popular or to avoid nasty barbs from the New York Times editorial page. He won’t be addicted to his favorable poll ratings. He is prepared to risk public disapproval if need be, or even his chance at reelection, if he must. In stark contrast to Clinton, who is allergic to swimming against the tide or getting too far out ahead of public (liberal) opinion, Cruz is not cowed by the threat of opposition from his own party or from liberals. Her ambition makes her cautious; his makes him brave.

H/T: The Resurgent.

7 thoughts on “Making Their Peace With Ted Cruz Watch, Jennifer Rubin edition.”

  1. Rubin is now supporting Cruz?
    I’m gobsmacked.
    Excuse me,I have to go see if youtube has a version of “The World Turned Upside Down”.

      1. Particularly since Donald Trump seems intent on doing the political equivalent of suicide by cop. The little stunt where the chairman of the Colorado GOP got 3000 hate phone calls thanks to someone tweeting his home address and telephone number apaprently caused Reince to get out the adult language on an RNC conference call about it, I hear.

    1. I imagine her support is much like mine. He’s the only viable non-Trump candidate left, so that’s who we support.

  2. All Cruz needs to remember is that the people who vote for him do not give a whoop-de-do what the NYT thinks.

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