Tweet of the Day, The Federalist Will Now School You On How To Do A Credible Cake Hoax edition.

God knows the Federalist – and the Right in general – has seen enough of this bullsh*t over the years.

Seriously. This fell apart the second the moment you realized that this dude was accusing an Austin, Texas Whole Foods Market of writing a pejorative word for ‘gay’ on his cake.  …Did the dude not read that aloud? He totally would have caught his mistake if he had read the whole thing aloud.

9 thoughts on “Tweet of the Day, The Federalist Will Now School You On How To Do A Credible Cake Hoax edition.”

  1. As Molly said in the article: you can’t even believe that about any of the other Whole Food stores in Texas, let alone AUSTIN.
    The only way this would’ve been funnier is if the hoaxer had tried it in Portland.

  2. “Thou shalt not bear false witness.”

    You would think a pastor would know that.

  3. My girlfriend had seen this story this morning before it was revealed to be a hoax and was pretty sure it wasn’t real just from looking at the picture of the cake.

    1. Clearly the word ‘fag’ was written by a different hand and different instrument. That is as glaringly obvious as the contrived faux-outrage of the entire SJW movement.

  4. I’m willing to bet that he’s going to claim that he did it in order to “start a dialogue about homophobia.”

      1. To be fair, I’m willing to be proven wrong But I don’t think that will happen. 🙂

  5. Every time I see something like this it comes down to “wow, these people really hate themselves”.

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