Some administrative trivia.

Under the circumstances, I feel that it is probably best to switch out to the new Twitter account tonight.  I am not yet formally ending all political commentary, but you can see the end of it from here.  I assume that this site will be transformed into a general gaming/geekery site; I hope to do more creative work. Indeed, I largely have to, because my annual income took a rather severe hit tonight.  Which is a shame and a tooth-grinding frustration, but I will not serve that man.

48 thoughts on “Some administrative trivia.”

      1. End of an era, eh? My condolences, for whatever value you may find in them.

  1. I shall hoist a glass to the passing of an age.
    I much preferred the ending on Nov. 9, 1989. It was so full of hope. Hearing Scorpion’s “Winds of Change” can still bring a tear.

  2. I am numb. I could tell this was coming, but it still is a shock. I can’t believe that people gravitate to this guy, but they have. And with that we probably lose everything. The Senate, possibly the House, any chance of stopping the runaway regulatory agencies, and most damning… the SCOTUS. That loss in its self cheapens any future electoral victories as the court will likely slap down any attempt to correct the corruptions to come.

    Damn these fools. They’ve destroyed this country.

    1. No, the damn fools running the RNC/GOP and our Congressional leadership brought us to this place.
      What did the Congressional leadership think was going to happen this cycle, that we’d hand them more power? To what end? They have utterly failed us.
      The GOP leadership should have backed Cruz from the get-go and we wouldn’t be looking at the abyss. They backed weak horse after weak horse, refusing to listen to millions of disgruntled voters.
      I’m sorry if this offends, but I have to say it, what really chaps my hide is when talented writers/political thinkers such as Moe decide to disengage when we need them most.
      The choices in front of us will be difficult and the road may be long, but quitting is not an option.

        1. Will snide commentary from the peanut gallery be tolerated?
          Just level-setting here.

      1. All those things are true, but it’s still on the voters to not fall for OBVIOUS CON MEN. The primary voters in the North East and Indiana didn’t let a bad candidate slip through by diluting their vote amongst other candidates. They overwhelmingly chose Trump because they bought the lies. Much could and should have been done earlier to stop him, and the feckless congressional leadership set the stage for this crapshow, but voters who fall for a con are fools and deserve to be called so.

  3. I think we’re entering a time of political realignment, where our old political parties are going to be only loosely related to their descendants. I pray that we get through this time with minimal bloodshed, but I see disturbing similarities around the world to the times before both WW1 & WW2. God willing, you’ll find a way to get back to politics in a reasonable amount of time — I think it suits you, and though we may disagree on many points, I think you have done good work for our country with your efforts.

    1. I dunno, Michael. I could have published a few books by now. But thanks for the kind words. From everybody, really.

      1. Not a bad idea actually. Some guy on the internet once said, “Politics is downstream from culture.” So by all means get culture-ing.

  4. So, how about me and the wife come over with a bottle of wine sometime soon?

        1. If it will let me see all you guys again, I’ll happily bring multiple bottles of damn fine wine. Trust me on this one. 🙂

  5. Well this sucks — barring any miracles — I think we’re on the same page as to whats going to happen in the near future.

    Just keep writing about what you like, and since I enjoy reading it, I’ll stick around.

  6. i bumped up my patreon thing. its not much but i owe ya, just for keeping the in nomine stuff up.

  7. Let’s think positive: new editions of 7th Seas, Unknown Armies, *and* Delta fargin’ Green all on the horizon.

    1. And had it not been for Moe, I would never have known about Delta Green at all.

  8. New Twitter followed. A realignment has started, hope the republic survives.

  9. You’re a good man, Moe. You have often displayed a grace which I lack. God bless.

  10. I applaud you for taking a stand. I would love to still have this blog, but no one takes a stand anymore, and I admire you for doing it.

  11. FTR: I see no need for you to stop discussing politics. We need voices of sanity, if no other reason. I also respect your stance moving forward; and agree with it, so there’s that. 😉

  12. There is still the chance that the delegates at the convention will have sufficient foresight to say bugger to how they’re pledged and vote their conscience. From what I understand, twenty-one states provide for no penalties whatsoever for delegates that do not vote for whom they’re pledged.

  13. I thought logic mattered…that arguments could be made. The world has been down roads like we’re on right now. Perhaps this time it’s different. We all need to choose who we support and how…and I respect your choice. You’ve done more than many, or most, to preserve the United States as it was intended. Thank you.

  14. A side note with Cruz suspending his campaign Trump wins not by acclaim but by default. Fitting for the gilded toad, I guess.

    1. Trump is the victor, just as much as Cruz would have been, had his candidate-denial strategy succeeded.
      Honesty is necessary, even if it sucks.

  15. I’ll miss your political commentary, but I support your principled stand and I will continue to support (financially when I can) your blog. Lots of good stuff here besides the political commentary 😀

  16. Please leave you options open, at least. Without going into any details, we could see any number of black swans and wild cards between now and November, or even between now and January 20.
    As Herodotus pointed out, a lot can happen in a year. “The king could die. I could escape. I could die of natural causes. The king could declare an amnesty, Or who knows? Maybe the horse will learn to sing.”

    1. The horse learning to sing is one of my very favorite lessons. I had not remembered it lately and I needed to. Thanks for posting this.

  17. Ugh. My sympathies Moe. For my part, I felt abandoned by the GOP years ago. But the “I told you so” to the Establishment really doesn’t do a lot of good. And a choice between two felons for President makes the US seem very…Weimarish.

    1. Found this at RedState, think it was Ben Howe

      The mantra? That’s from Alexander Hamilton and it’s quite apropos.

      “If we must have an enemy at the head of Government, let it be one whom we can oppose, and for whom we are not responsible, who will not involve our party in the disgrace of his foolish and bad measures.”

  18. Wry, astute political comment/analysis does not have to be partisan. I think your voice will be more needed in the future than ever before.

  19. On the bright side, it looks like Musk’s efforts to colonize Mars are proceeding smoothly. Forget this broken civilization, we dan start a new one.

    Yeah, I’m officially more cynical than you, which makes it hurt all the more.

    1. We’d benefit .. quite a lot, I think .. from a transfusion from a “frontier culture”.
      Most civilizations do, y’know, if you look at the historical record, and if you’re willing to take the *really* long view.
      Frontier opens, new culture – based on the bedrock of survival – takes shape, new culture supplants the old, to the benefit of both.
      Yes, there are usually conflicts, what would people be without sturm und drang? IF the goal is for there to continue to *be* a people .. then the sturm und drang are painful but necessary.
      So .. yeah. A new frontier would be a Really Good Thing right about now.

      1. Do you all remember the SF story where the lecturer was going on and on about stuff and historical this and historical that. the frontier was coming in… and he was just snarked that he was being interrupted? because of the firing on the planet??? can’t for the life of me think who the author was.

        but totally fun.

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