Listening to it right now, in fact. This is much more than a word-for-word retelling of HP Lovecraft’s original “The Horror at Red Hook:” which makes sense, really. The original is a short story, after all: and they did a full hour version. You have to flesh stuff out.
It’s an interesting story to adapt for today, because this is one of Lovecraft’s more difficult stories for our modern age. It has a genuine power to it that we find rather objectionable – thus making is simultaneously attractive and repellent. It’s interesting to see HPLHS try to play this as straight as they possibly could.
I’ve long held that the whole gun control froofrah isn’t aimed at us country mice, nor at suburbia, but at the seething urban underclasses.
Of course, admitting that would be fatal to the worldview of many of them, so they project onto us.
We’re safe, after all. We may not like them, but it’s a peaceful sort of dislike.
Let us know if it’s worth the funds, please. Been a HPL fan since my early teens and would love this if its any good. 🙂
I liked it, but I don’t know if I’m buying the rest. The twenty bucks per physical CD makes it an indulgence, if not an actual extravagance. They’d make good birthday/Christmas presents, though: you can tell that to people who are stumped for ideas and resistant to just buying you an Amazon gift certificate.