…Guess it’s time to start subscribing to Pyramid again.

I am so, so rusty when it comes to GURPS [4]e, but what are you gonna do? I can still think in [3rd] edition, I know the way Steve Jackson Games thinks, and I have all the in-print GURPS books.  …And that’s only the absolutely mildest of exaggerations. I even have a copy of GURPS Bili The Axe: Up Harzburk!, and that was the one that the company recalled (and then no doubt ritually burned) because of all the path errors.

[UPDATE: Sorry. Was looking over some stuff in D&D today, and embarrassingly I didn’t reset the edition count clock when I wrote this post. Good catch by Constant Reader Luke in comments.]

5 thoughts on “…Guess it’s time to start subscribing to Pyramid again.”

  1. I was wondering if anyone had done an RPG for the Horseclans novels. Too bad it was apparently done badly.

    1. The main supplement itself wasn’t bad, although it made a couple of mistakes when adapting the books. But that one supplement was apparently just too messed up. I honestly bought it strictly to be able to say that I have a copy.

  2. 5th edition? I thought 4 was still current, and a lot of us still cribbed from 3.5.

      1. 😀 I was feeling horrified at being so out of touch with a former obsession!

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