I think that this SMBC cartoon…

…passes by too quickly the technological breakthrough postulated in it in its quest to say something both metaphorical, and mildly depressing, about human existence.  A nanotool that can recreate anything else, while always being an inferior copy of the item that it’s reproducing? That’s an insanely useful thing to have.  To put it in GURPS 5e terms, having that item means that you’re never going to be in a situation where you have ‘no equipment’ (-10 to tech skills, -5 to skills that need equipment, some rolls automatically not permitted). Instead, you’re always at the ‘improvised’ (-5/-2 to skill) level, and possibly you can even jolly your GM into letting it be -3/-1, because after all it really is a half-step up from stone knives and bearskins, right? And best of all: it’s small. Not much encumbrance there on your character sheet.

Yeah, I know. That wasn’t the real point of this webcomic. But, maybe it should have been, hey?

Note that this is a TOWER OF LONDON raven.

I have encountered Tower of London ravens once in my life, and I was impressed. The ravens there are very bright examples of what is already a very bright animal species; and they did not seem inclined to be trifled with. I probably don’t believe the legend about them and the Tower, but why take the risk?

…I miss Larry Latham (Lovecraft is Missing artist/writer).

I never met Larry Latham face to face, but we corresponded a couple of times before he passed, and it cannot be denied Larry was writing one heck of a Lovecraftian webcomic (Lovecraft is Missing). Which has since disappeared off of the Internet, but you can read it here on the Wayback Machine. I hope somebody finishes it, someday.

You know, I think that it is time to remake The Final Countdown. [Or make an Axis of Time series.]

The movie, not the song.

Of course, John Birmingham already went and did a bunch of books on that topic, so maybe they’ll just make a movie version of Axis of Time. Or maybe a Netflix series!  …Yeah, that’d actually work. Somebody should make that happen.

Continue reading You know, I think that it is time to remake The Final Countdown. [Or make an Axis of Time series.]

So, did Family Guy offer ANYBODY any money for the YouTube videos that it ripped off?

Here’s the background: Family Guy needed some old-school Nintendo gameplay, so they ripped a couple of gameplay videos from YouTube and used them on their show. Without permission, of course. But wait! It gets better.  You see, once the show was up Fox’s automated anti-piracy trackers sent YouTube takedown notices for the original videos, which YouTube automatically honored. It took a little while for the resulting screams of outrage to be heard, YouTube put the videos back up, Fox admitted that they did this and they didn’t say they were sorry: you know the drill. Continue reading So, did Family Guy offer ANYBODY any money for the YouTube videos that it ripped off?

This ‘Troll Bridge’ thing looks interesting.

Troll Bridge is based off of one of Terry Pratchett’s more melancholy stories about the end of adventuring ages; too late for the Kickstarter, but Backerkit still gives you a chance to get in on this. Apparently Sir Terry himself gave the project his blessing – well, nothing ‘apparently’ about it. He did. And I look forward to eventually seeing it.

It’s getting easier and easier for people to make films these days, doesn’t it? As an artist myself I approve. The more, the merrier.